Freedom of Information

Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) the Brigade makes clear the information it will make public by producing a Publication Scheme, setting out:

  • The classes of information which we publish or intend to publish;
  • The manner in which the information will be published; and
  • Whether the information is available free of charge or on payment.

Requesting Information

It is our aim to help you as much as possible. To enable us do this we ask you to provide the following information:

  • A clear and understandable request with enough detail to locate the information;
  • Your name and address (this can be your postal or email address) so we can respond to your request; and
  • An indication about the format in which you want the information.

FOI Disclosure Log

This log contains previous Freedom of Information Act requests for information from the Service. We include it here as a resource for people looking for information about Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. If you are planning to submit an FOI request, please check here first to see if the information you require is already available.


All information in our publication scheme is available in hard copy and can be provided at 10p per A4 sheet. The same information will gradually be available from the website to download free of charge.

If SFRS estimates that the cost of complying with the request for information would exceed the limit set by the Government (£450) then the Service is not obliged to comply with the request. It must however advise in writing whether it holds information of the description specified in the request.

If the cost of providing the information exceeds the limit a fees notice will be issued. You will have three months from the date of the notice to pay the fee before the request lapses.

When Information may be withheld

Some information which we hold may not be made public, for example information about national security or court records. Likewise some documents may include exempt information, so you will only receive the information, which is not exempt.

Further Information

For a full explanation of the rules governing requests for information under any of the above please contact the Data Protection Officer.  Contact details can be found at the end of our Privacy Notice.