Electric or Hybrid vehicles powered by lithium



Request detail: 

Under the Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations,
I would like to request the following information:

1. How may fires have your Service attended which involved electric or Hybrid
vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries between the following dates 1/1/21
– 1/11/23?

2. Of these fires attended in how many of these was the cause recorded as a
fault on the lithium-ion battery?

3. Of the fires attended how many involved the lithium battery cells?

4. Have your Service developed specific operational procedures for dealing
with fires involving lithium-ion batteries?

5. Have your service purchased any specific equipment/extinguishing/PPE
agents to deal with fires involving lithium-ion batteries?

6. Does your Service provide specific training to operational crews who may
be called to fires involving lithium-ion batteries?

7. Where lithium-ion batteries are involved in RTA’s persons trapped, do
you adopt any specific measures to isolate the potential battery ignition

8. Have your Service initiated any specific information gathering exercise on
fires attended involving lithium ion batteries?

Response detail: 

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer below and to the attached for the information requested.

1. How may fires have your Service attended which involved electric or Hybrid vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries between the following dates 1/1/21
– 1/11/23?
2. Of these fires attended in how many of these was the cause recorded as a fault on the lithium-ion battery?

This information is not recorded.

3. Of the fires attended how many involved the lithium battery cells?
This information is not recorded.

4. Have your Service developed specific operational procedures for dealing with fires involving lithium-ion batteries?

This is built into our operational procedural guidance in line with national guidance. Our service have developed a specific procedure.

5. Have your service purchased any specific equipment/extinguishing/PPE agents to deal with fires involving lithium-ion batteries?
Not currently, however research is under way to explore the market on equipment and techniques. We do have an electric blanket on trial in service. This is being undertaken by the resource review project.

6. Does your Service provide specific training to operational crews who may be called to fires involving lithium-ion batteries?

Yes. All operational staff, whether new recruits or existing firefighters, are required to complete the National Fire Chief’s Council (NFCC) Lithium-ion eLearning package, which is tracked through our online learning platform. 

In 2023 we introduced a 'Hot Topic’ presentation that highlights best practices in three key areas, one of which focuses on Electric Vehicles (EVs) and lithium-ion batteries. This presentation supplements our existing Alternative Powered Vehicle presentation, offering a more comprehensive, refreshed understanding of EVs. These resources are accessible through our training library and are distributed as pre-course materials for delegates. 

In addition to the presentations, our practical Road Traffic Collision (RTC) elements include standardised discussions led by instructors specifically addressing incidents involving electric-powered vehicles, including fire scenarios. 

Our Fire Control has a call handling script to include inquiries about the involvement of EVs. This information is promptly relayed to crews to ensure early awareness and appropriate response. 


7. Where lithium-ion batteries are involved in RTA’s persons trapped, do you adopt any specific measures to isolate the potential battery ignition risk?

Crews have awareness of isolation points via a crash recovery software. Awareness of emerging risks is passed on through the operations department.

8. Have your Service initiated any specific information gathering exercise on fires attended involving lithium ion batteries?

This is currently being looked at under the resource review project.

Information Released: 



Wednesday, 6 December, 2023


Friday, 5 January, 2024

