Fire engine break down



Request detail: 

Under the Freedom of Information Act can I please request the following data for the calendar years 2018, 2019, 2022, 2021, 2022 and 2023-present:
1) On how many occasions did a fire engine break down?
2) On how many occasions did a fire engine break down on the way to an incident?
3) What was the cause of the break down?
4) How much did it cost to fix?

Response detail: 

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for the information requested.  Please note that the data has been compiled from two different fleet management systems for the date range requested, so is split over two sheets in the attached speasdsheet. Neither of our fleet management systems recorded/records whether a defect was on the way to an incident, so this information has not been provided as it is not held.   

Information Released: 



Thursday, 14 September, 2023


Friday, 22 September, 2023

