New graphics appearing on Shropshire's fire appliances

The 'Speeding - It's not impressive' campaign poster on the new Wellington fire appliance aims to remind young drivers of the dangers of speeding

Working with the Camera Safety Partnership, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service are promoting road safety messages aimed at the target age groups of 16 to 25.

Nationally and locally, young drivers between the ages of 16-25 years old have the highest killed or seriously injured rate per head of population.

In order to promote the reduction in the number of young people killed or seriously injured in this age group we are supporting the Camera Safety Partnership with their campaign Speeding - It's not impressive!

Over the next few weeks, 11 Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service fire appliances based at Shrewsbury, Telford, Wellington, Bridgnorth, Market Drayton and Oswestry are being fitted with the Camera Safety Partnership campaign graphics incorporating the message Speeding - It's not impressive!

7th September, 2006