On the 24th and 26th April Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and Road Safety Partners Shropshire County Council Road Safety Team will be delivering a road safety education programme to over 400 students who attend both Walford College Baschurch and North College, Oswestry. All students attending the programme fall into our most at risk group consisting of 16 to 25 year olds.
24th April 2007 0930 to 1500 Walford College, Baschurch
26th April 2007 0930 to 1500 North College, Oswestry
Each day will consist of 3 sessions lasting 2 hours incorporating a practical demonstration and a theoretical presentation the aim of these sessions it to raise awareness of the consequences of drink and drug driving, speeding, seatbelts, passenger safety and pier pressures. In order for us to be able to measure its effectiveness and learn from our experiences all students will be asked to complete a pre and post evaluation questionnaire.
Agencies involved include:
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service
Shropshire County Council Road Safety Department
Ambulance Service
Police Service
Institute of advanced motorists
Shropshire Youth Association with Shiftys Bar

One of the new Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service screensavers targeted at students