SFRS proposes 10p a week coucil tax increase- have your say

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority is proposing an increase of 4.33 per cent to the portion of council tax which goes to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. This equates to just under £5.00 per year, or 10p per week and we want to hear what you think about the proposal.

The Authority strives to be a top performing fire and rescue service, which constantly reviews how its services are delivered, to ensure that it runs effectively and efficiently for the public of Shropshire.
Around three quarters of the Service’s budget is spent on employing staff – its most valuable resource. The remainder is spent on essential supplies and services, transport, property and information and communications technology, as well as funding capital programmes.

Just over 70% of our funding comes from council tax, with the remainder funded from business rates and government grant.

We want to continue to improve how we deliver fire cover and support to businesses and residents throughout Shropshire, while also investing any savings to minimise borrowing for larger projects such as refurbishment of stations and the replacement of fire engines.

Why a 4.33% council tax increase?

This increase covers our pay and inflation pressures, but also allows us to invest in our people and their teams, to ensure that we continue to Make Shropshire Safer through delivering effective fire cover and support to businesses and residents across Shropshire

The Service has a number of priority areas, aimed at reducing risk and vulnerability in the community, and ensuring that all staff are competent to fulfil their roles effectively:
· Delivering the outcomes of the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP), areas that you told us were important;
· Addressing concerns and areas for improvement identified by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
· Developing our strategic priorities for 2025/26
· Reviewing the structure of the Service to ensure that we invest in the right areas, with the right people and systems.

Chairman of the Fire Authority David Minnery said “The proposals we are putting forward will help us to deliver the objectives laid out in our CRMP, 2025-2028 and will also provide an essential contribution towards the new plan. This includes increasing engagement and reaching out the communities we serve in new ways and evaluating our resources.

“It is extremely important to us that you have your say so we can best understand our communities, so I encourage all residents to get in touch and let us know how you feel about the proposed increase.”

To let us know your thoughts on the proposed increase of 10p per week please email Alternatively keep an eye on our social media channels for our poll.

4th February, 2025