How do we pay for your service?
We receive around 27% of our budget from government grant and business rates, with the balance coming from council tax. Government grants have been decreasing since 2011/12, and we have reduced our budget to deal with this fall in income. Increases have been made to our council tax so that we can continue to offer a quality service to the public of Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.
How do we spend it?
Around 70% of the total budget is spent on our staff: firefighters on the full time and on call duty systems, Fire Control staff, and non-uniformed support staff.
The remaining balance is spent on the supply and maintenance of operational equipment, uniforms, supplies and services, information and communications technology, and funding the capital programme.
This year's capital programme includes building improvements at a number of fire stations, the replacement of service vehicles and operational equipment, and improvements to information technology and communicationsWhere we have saved money
In 2011/12, we began a programme of budget cuts, which reduced the revenue budget by more than £3million over four years. Budget reductions have included:
A reduction in both firefighters and support staff of 60 posts (around 10% of total staff)
A reduction in operational fire officers of 25%
An increase in the life of fire engines from 12 to 15 years
Changes to the way in which some fire engines are crewed.
This programme of cuts, along with other budget reductions implemented by officers, meant that the Service continued to operate within its budgets.
The Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) ensures that the Service’s resources continue to be used to best effect to reduce risk within the County.
As part of the IRMP, officers consulted with employees and members of the public about improving the way the service is delivered.
Three main projects are currently being undertaken:
- Implementation of new shift patterns in Fire Control
- Implementation of new shift patterns for full time firefighters
- Major development at our site at Stafford Park in Telford, to include station, training facilities and multi-agency opportunities
What about 2019/20?
This year, we propose to increase council tax by 2.99% (around 5.5p per week for an average household). This is because we want to ensure that the public still receive an effective fire and rescue service, both now and into the future.
You can view our plans for the budget here, and give us your views on our proposals until 12 February 2019.
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service,
Brigade Headquarters,