Shropshire firefighters in a mock exercise to practise their skills
Shropshire’s High Sheriff will literally be in the driving seat to see at first hand how firefighters rescue victims of county road crashes when she herself is cut free from the wreckage of a car at the weekend.
The Deputy Lieutenant for Shropshire, who was appointed High Sheriff in April, volunteered for “the hot seat” to highlight the importance of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service in the community.
She follows in the footsteps of her High Sheriff predecessor Anna Turner who, during her term in office was soaked to the skin when she took part in a practice river rescue as well as a car rescue by county firefighters.
On Sunday afternoon, Diana Flint, whose husband Charles is a QC, will climb into the front seat of a car wearing overalls and boots ready for firefighters from Shrewsbury’s White Watch to practise their rescue techniques at the Shrewsbury scrapyard of Jarvis Metals.
The scrapyard owner supports the brigade by letting their fire crew regularly hone their rescue techniques on scrap cars – a vital resource provided free of charge and which saves the service £3,000 a year.
Diana Flint will see at very close quarters what it is like for motorists and passengers who are cut out of their vehicles by firefighters after a vehicle crash on Shropshire roads.
She will hear the rescue tender arrive before being “stabilised” by the first firefighter on the scene, a trained trauma technician.
The car will be stabilised, hose reel jets prepared in case fire breaks out, the car battery disconnected and airbags de-activated.
The High Sheriff will have a green cover put over her to prevent being cut by showering glass as windows are removed, pillars sawn off and the car roof removed in double quick time.
She will be placed onto a spine board before being safely lifted out of the back of the wrecked car.
A total of 23 people were killed in road crashes on county roads last year and 156 seriously hurt. A total of 14 people have died this year and 82 seriously injured.
With a high number of young people involved in road accidents, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service runs a free driver training scheme with the county branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists. The 17 to 25’s go out with a trained observer and take the advanced driving test.
For more information contact Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service on 01743 260 200.