Working in partnership with Shropshire Council

Following the introduction of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Inspecting Officers from the Business Fire Safety Department of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have worked closely with Shropshire Council to raise awareness of Fire Safety legislation by participating in presentations and workshops for responsible persons from a wide range of council business premises, including schools, residential homes, community buildings, offices etc.

The workshops were jointly facilitated by officers from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and Shropshire Council. They were also supported with attendance from officers from Children & Young People's Services and Community Services.

The sessions commenced with introductions and the background to the workshops. They were followed by two presentations one clearly explaining the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and defining roles and responsibilities under the Order. The other formed the background to participating in a practical exercise to demonstrate and advise on carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.

Facilitators supported delegates through the practical exercise and worked through different Scenarios to assist them with the identification of fire risk issues. A selection of the Communities and Local Government (CLG) guides were provided for delegates to peruse and consider some of the fire risk issues that could occur in their own premises.

The sessions concluded with a summary of what had been covered and a question and answer forum.

16th November, 2009