If you intend to carry out building work you will need to ensure any works comply with the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended).
This means that the regulations will probably apply if you want to:
- Put up a new building.
- Extend or alter an existing one.
- Provide services and/or fittings in a building such as washing and sanitary facilities, hot water cylinders, foul water and rainwater drainage, replacement windows, and fuel burning appliances of any type.
- Alter the fundamental use of the building.
The local authority building control department or approved inspector are responsible for ensuring compliance with the building regulations.
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service Role (SFRS)
The organisation provide a consultation service to Local Authority Building Control departments and Approved Inspectors. Consultation relates to fire safety provisions in the design, construction and adaptation of buildings. Legal requirements and national guidance determine the consultation process.
If the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) applies to the premises or will apply following the building work, it is a legal requirement that the building control body must consult with SFRS. The RRFSO applies to most premises, however domestic premises occupied as single private dwellings are not included.
In deciding the suitability of design proposals for building regulations purposes, the organisation will consider the guidance provided in “Approved Document B – Fire Safety” however there may be other ways in which an equivalent level of fire safety can be achieved. The approved document is available free of charge to download from the planning portal.
Whilst SFRS will offer observations to the building control body (BCB) regarding compliance with the Building Regulations, the primary role is to provide the applicant (via the BCB) with advice on how completed building work must comply with the RRFSO so that satisfactory levels of fire precautions are in place once the building becomes occupied.
This type of consultation ensures, as far as possible, that no additional works are necessary once the building is occupied.
The organisation conduct routine fire safety audits, based on risk, of most types of premises so it is in the interests of the building owner, occupier, or other responsible person, to ensure that risk appropriate fire safety standards are maintained throughout the life of the premises.
If you intend to carry out building work it is recommended that in the first instance you contact your local authority building control department or approved inspector.