2009/10 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets

This paper brings together the elements of the budget as set out in the papers that follow, and seeks the Committee's approval for a budget outline to be recommended to the Fire Authority in December 2008.
6a. Base Budget plus Committed Change. This report shows the latest position on the base budget plus committed change, following budget reviews by heads of department.
6b. Pay and Prices Assumptions. The report sets out the possible provision to be made for pay and price inflation in 2009/10 and later years.
6c. Efficiencies 2009/10 and Forward Budgets. This report looks at the implications for setting efficiency budgets in 2009/10 to 2013/14.
6d. Service Developments 2009/10. This report informs members of service developments (growth) that has been identified by officers for inclusion within the 2009/10 budget.
6e. 'What If' and Integrated Risk Management Plan Update. The Chief Fire Officer will give a presentation updating the current 'what if' plan as described in the Medium Term Financial Plan. The presentation will include early proposals for improving service delivery, which will shortly be considered by the Integrated Risk Management Planning Members Working Group. For approval.
6f. Capital Programme 2009/10 to 2013/14. This report sets out the current schemes put forward for inclusion in the next five years' budgets. It then sets out the potential revenue consequences, subject to project appraisals and a review of financing possibilities.
6g. Provisions, Reserves and Funds. This report sets out the issues which the Fire Authority will need to consider as part of its annual review of provisions, reserves and funds.

Parent meeting: 

13 November 2008


For information

Item no.: 


